Neurosurgery, also called neurosurgery, is a special field of medicine dealing specifically with the brain. The brain is the most complex organ in the body and is extremely complex in its functioning. It is the cause of many diseases and mental disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease, among other things. Because of this, it is vitally important that we understand how neurosurgery is performed so that we can prevent the suffering of patients who are born with brain defects and disabilities. Neurosurgery is very important to the medical industry and helps to improve the quality of life for many people.
What is Neurosurgery?
Neurosurgery is the application of surgical instruments to the brain and spinal cord to repair damaged nerves, enhance brain function, treat trauma, and compensate for other diseases or injuries. Neurosurgery is an extremely complex and specialized field of medicine and is usually the domain of highly trained physicians. When considering what neurosurgery involves, it is important to know that all areas of the brain rely on electrical signals to communicate and function and that damage to these delicate organs can result in severe mental disorders such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.
Neurosurgery is often associated with general anesthesia because it involves the use of certain medications and surgical techniques that require the introduction of a great number of drugs into the body. General anesthesia involves a lot of risks, but the positive side is that it allows for more precise operations that do not risk the brain.
Neurosurgery is performed by a highly physician doctor or surgeons. After medical school, they must pass a rigorous certification exam to be certified in neurosurgery. Once certified, you will need to undergo training in the neurosurgery specialty before you can take the test that will certify you in this specialty. If you wish to specialize further in neurosurgery, you will need additional training from a surgical specialist specializing in this field or from a neurosurgery school.
Modern Neurosurgery
Throughout modern neurosurgery, there are two key areas of focus. First, there is the operation of the actual surgical procedure. During this time, the neurosurgeons work directly with the brain or nervous system to remove or repair areas of damage. Second, neuro anesthesia is introduced into the patient. When a patient is under neuroanesthesia, he or she is sedated so that the surgeon can work inside of the body. Sedation is used because it prevents the patient from feeling any pain, whether the area of surgery is an ear a lung, or a brain.
Stemming from these two areas of focus is the use of various surgical techniques and technologies during modern neurosurgery. In addition to traditional neurosurgery techniques such as invasive techniques, non-invasive techniques have also become popular in modern times. Non-invasive techniques include stereotactic neurosurgery and neurostimulation. Stereotactic neurosurgery uses a patient’s brain waves to control functions such as head movement and even speech.
Stereotactic neurosurgery was created by the noted neurosurgeon Robert Trayford in 1957. This technique is similar to the procedure, which doctors use today called stereotactic brain surgery. During this procedure, a small electrode is placed on the patient’s brain. The patient then goes into a brain clinic and can control how their brain is functioning. They can move their eyes, take a step, or even talk. All of this is done simply by using their brain waves.
Another technique that some neurosurgeons have been using to replace the founding fathers of neurosurgery is the use of neurostimulation. When people think of neurosurgery they usually think of extreme cases, however, with neurostimulation, modern neurosurgeons can control functions with the mind’s power of the patient. Through simulation, a patient’s brain is stimulated in such a way that it causes the neurosurgeons to stimulate the same areas in the brain through different means. After learning how the brain works, doctors can stimulate it in such a way that is beneficial to the patient. Both of these techniques were developed from the techniques used by the founding fathers of neurosurgery.